
Neil Aschliman, PhD


Teaches courses in human anatomy and physiology, vertebrate biology, biodiversity, and biological literature.

His research focuses on the evolution of vertebrates, particularly chondrichthyan fishes, and integrates comparative anatomy, molecular evolution, and the fossil record.

See Courses Taught

Education and Training

  • PhD, Florida State University, Department of Biological Science
  • BS, Texas A&M University, Department of Biology

Areas of Professional Interest

  • Vertebrate anatomy
  • Evolution

Publications and Presentations

R. William Stein, Christopher G. Mull, Tyler S. Kuhn, Neil C. Aschliman, Lindsay N.K. Davidson, Jeffrey B. Joy, Gordon J. Smith, Nicholas K. Dulvy, and Arne O. Mooers (2018). Global Priorities for conserving the evolutionary history of sharks, rays, and chimaeras. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2:288-298.

Neil C. Aschliman (2014). Interrelationships of the durophagous stingrays (Batoidea: Myliobatidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes. doi: 10.1007/s10641-014-0261-8

Neil C. Aschliman (2013). Evolution of the durophagous stingrays (Batoidea: Myliobatidae). Invited symposium speaker. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Albuquerque, New Mexico; 12 Jul 2013.

Neil C. Aschliman, Kerin M. Claeson and John D. McEachran. Phylogeny of Batoidea (2012). Reviewed chapter. Pp. 57 - 95 in Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives, Edition 2. J.C. Carrier, J.A. Musick and M.R. Heithaus (eds.). CRC Press.

Neil C. Aschliman, Mutsumi Nishida, Masaki Miya, Jun G. Inoue, Kerri M. Rosana and Gavin J.P. Naylor (2012). Body Plan Convergence in the Evolution of Skates and Rays (Chondrichthyes: Batoidea). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 63:28-42.

Neil C. Aschliman, David A. Ebert, and Leonard J. V. Compagno. 2010. Redescription of Cruriraja ‘parcomaculata' sensu Smith, 1964 (Rajoidei: Anacanthobatidae), a new legskate from Southern Africa. Copeia 2010 (3):364-372.

Neil C. Aschliman. A new framework for interpreting the evolution of skates and rays (Chondrichthyes: Batoidea). Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Providence, Rhode Island; 10 Jul. 2010.

More About Dr. Aschliman

Courses Taught

BIOL 201 Diversity of Living Systems
BIOL 230 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 232 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL 223 Special Topics in Biology: The Vertebrate Story
WI-BIOL 300 Biological Literature and Communication


Frederick H. Stoye Award, General Ichthyology, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Providence, Rhode Island; July 10, 2010.

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